Wednesday, January 18, 2012

ideology in film

1. Ideology refers to the values or messages that a type of media is able to communicate to the audience
Eplict ideology refers to a message or view point that is promonet throughout the film easily identifiable, on the surface

Implicit ideology is the under the surface questionable motives of a film, it is not easily identifiable and require research and a reasond argument

2.Robert downy Jr.
Played roles in iron man iron man two Sherlock holms Sherlock holms 2 due date
Quick thinking
Dark side
Good at heart
Tries to do good but messe up at times

Next role would be one where he plays a man who gets involved either on purpose or by accident with something he must try to complete. , while on his way to complete this goal his darker side comes when he tries to help his partner

3. in starwars a new hope
what I like about Luke is that he just starts out as a small farmer but gets enveloped in a large war to save the universe. What is done to make me feel this way is making Luke not perfect he has his flaws and refuses te call to action but when he steps up he becomes a hero.
The values that im being asked is to not follow a dictatorship you should have personal choice and fight for that right
Feelings are being manipulated by
They might want me to follow a certain view point because they support that point and want others to follow it aswell
Artistic/fincial consequences might be not being to put everything they want to put in the film because what the audience want to see or putting to much in
Not being able to put in what the audience want to see to make sure that the finacer gets what he wants.

4. The ideologies of a given time period could change the way that the film is presented to its audiances because the changing ideologys affect what the people want to be seen and told. The changing ideologies also affect how people behave and reflect what they are going through. After world war two the idea of a hero changed from one that wa perfect to one that had flaws and struggled with them. That ideology changed the way a nerative was told because instead of having the hero go out and accomplish his or her goal they had to have a flaw that needed to be introduced and be stuggled on through out the film

5. A film a can affect ones behavior without them being conciouse of it because the movie holds a message wether it is explicit or implicit, and the message will be imbedded in the audience mind and cause them to think about it and after thinking about it it wll alter the descions they make based on the message the movie implies

6. suspension of disbliefe is beliving the fictional world of a movie to be true when we have not or cannot experience what is happining in the film but we still accept this as real. An example of this would be from the film Terminator cyborgs have not been created and we havnt interacted with them but we still show one walking talking acting as a real person in the film Terminator.

7. The finacial supporter of the film can change the ideologys of the film because he gives the money so the producers must do what he wants in order to get the money

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