Sunday, January 29, 2012

The movie psycho would be classified as a horror, mystery or thriller.
The features of these genres are- Horror: Horror filmsa are designeds to repulse, cause fear , panic to the audiance while keeping them intertainded at the same time. A typical horror plot involves some sort of evil thing that is terrorizing a person or people, the person or people trie to stop the evil thing but usually with no luck at first, until at the end of the movie during a final fight scene between good versus bad the evill thing terrorizing thepeople is killed or stopped. These elements are in Psycho at several locations, When Bates frst kills Mariancrane, when he kills the police officer, and when he tries to kill at the very end of the movie, those elements couse fear because they jump out and suprise the audiance.
Thriller: A thriller movie involves many plot twists and keeps the viewer in anticipation of what will happen, thrillers involve quick action, suspense and plot twists to keep the viewer intrigued. Psycho has these elements when Bates kills the privet detective as he is walking up the stairs the audiance is nervouse as they wonder what will happen to him, then when ever bates tries to kill some one it is very fast pased and plot twists comes with who is really killing the people bates or his mother?
Mystery: Mystery films involve questions that are unanswered until the end of the movie, but they throw out pieces of information throughout the movie to keep the audience guessing. This is in psycho as you never know who the killer is until the end
Hitchcock produced Psycho he produced this movie to recover from two other aborted films, and based it off of a book that he read by the same name.

The films have boys with struggling relationships with their mothers; North by northwest, ridiculed by mom for insting men are chasing him. In frnzy the killer hates women but loves his mother, in strangers on a train the main character hates his dad but has a very nice relationship with his mother psycho Norman bates killed his mother and must compinsate for her death by becoming her in his mind.\Visual techniques are a series of close ups cut and put together in a montage to create a story by putting the pices together not just showing the full story 

The films theme is the split personalities that people have, the concouse ones with Marium Crane as she seems t be a cool headed women until she runs away with the money and Norman Bates who belives he is both himself and His mother.

The target audiance of this ovie would be just horror fans

1 comment:

  1. A good start... needs more research on director's background and intent in the film.
