Sunday, November 13, 2011

trailer review

The trailer i reviewed was inception. The narative in the trailer is that there is a team of people who go into dreams and steal the ideas of the dreamer, but then they get a job offer that is the best they have gotten and they need another team member. As they recruite the new member the bascics of what they do are stated, make a dream go into the dream have the dreamer fill it with their secrets and then take it, it is aslo revealed that what they are doing is not legal. As they get closer to there job it seems that they are being stressed out by the workload. Once they start there job and are inside the dream things start to go wrong and the world starts to collapse as they try to escape the dream.

The cinamatography is mostly CU and MS. the CU's are used when characters are talking or when they display emotion. When they are talking the CU's help to describe the narative of the story it is used to keep the audiances attention focused on what they are saying not what else is going on in the rest of the shot. The MS are used when motion is happening in the shot. It is used to show what the character is doing with enough lead room so they dont get cut off but not enough so that the back ground and fore ground are distracting to the audiance. There are some LS they are used when little or no characters are involved and are used to show the dangers or awesomeness of a particular item

In the trailer there are many movement matches that are used when to keep the exitment or tention throughout a variety of sceense, for example as a train plows through a street the next shot is a car spinning out of control, then a man stick his head out of a car thats moving and shooting a gun to a man in a halway firing a gun back. Theses movement matches keep the exitment and tention at an equal levels while showing different parts of the whole movie. Another is eyeline match where one character talks to another and there eyes seem to be looking at eachother even though they arnt, it is used to have the shot have a sence of realism to them so it dosnt just look like  a person talking to a camera.

The music is the trailer is intense and it is used to show what the tention for the movie will be like. Also the beats for the music are sycned up with actions that are happening in the shots. This gives an added level of tention for the shots and keeps the audiance interested. The music also shows what type of movie it will be and what the tention in the overall movie will be. it also gives a sence of exitment as the music is fast paced at times then flat lines  at certain points.

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