Friday, October 5, 2012

Pudovkins: concept on constructive editing was that each shot had to make a new point. It was not the shot itself that he cared for it was the juxtaposition of shots that he believed would create new meanings. belived only CU's and textures were acceptable, long shots were to close to reality and that a jumble of juxtaposition was a better concept of reality.The kuslhov effect is when you get the emotion not from the actors acting but instead by the juxtapositions. The viewer gets the emotional feeling once the correct objects have been put together in the film Eisenstein: montage was were he believed that film will be created by juxtaposing two contrasting opposites. He believed that all phenomena were subject to change. Smooth transition was not preferred instead harsh contract was better. He believed that by showing a thesis and antithesis that a new idea would be synthesized. in the odeasa steps the eisenstien style creates ambiguity of the film. It shows good then bad, bad the worse worse then good. There is no dialog. Allows viewers to synthesize own ideas about film by showing good with bad. Andrea bazins idea was realism. He belived film was the most real media. Belived montage was one of the many tools film makers had at there disposal. Belived a film became real because of its ambiguity. Allowed the viewers to make there own interpretations of the film. Belived classical cutting was to impsoing took away the viewrs ability to make own ideas. Used long shots and panning trucking and tilting rather than cutting.

The " Man with a Camera" is based off the kuslhov effect. It has sharp contrasts and not smooth transitions is aopen for interpretation. In bicycle theif it has more of a realist shooting with some of pudovkins concept of constructive editing. From the shots in bicycle thief  it holds out long shots of bicycles back and forth, we get not much of a responce from the actor but from the holding of the scene we understand what the actor is going to do, steal the bike.

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