Friday, September 14, 2012

when you find me

Character: In when you find me, at the beggining they set up the character as a girl with plenty of imagination. You can already see from how she is dressed that she is a character with a wild personality. Personality that dosnt take the world as it actually is but instead makes up her own one.

the setting.  This setting is supposed to be one in the afterlife. The setting does a good job of portraying how the afterlife should be. The colors in the shot, white, make it seem very peacful and sercene. Also the lone tree with endless hill ranges give it the idea of tranquility. That its a quite and peacful palce

Back story. This shot  is the first shot the movie shows of the mother and with this one scene you can already tell a lot about her. You can see that she has been hospitalized for quite some time now most likely with cancer as she has a cap on which indicates she is bald. The shot also shows that she has recently died as her arms and face are limp while she is being hugged.

Goal: form this shot you can tell that the goal is to see the mother again. The mother is shown using a different medium to show that she isn't part of this plane of life anymore. The goal of the youngst daughter is to see her mother again when she was alive and not affected by her disease

Time, In this shot by the light of the sky and the fact that the girl has a lantern you can determine that the time is night. most of the plot happens at night in this story so night is very important to drive the plot forward. Night always gives the conotaion of supernatural and thats what happend the little girl has a supernatural expirence with her dead mother

Relationship: In this shot you can see the relationship between the mother and daughte and  that it is a loving one. The mother is crouched down in order to hug her daughter and they both stay embraced there. Even though it is brief in the story the relationship is what drives the story forward. THe little girls longing to see the mom again is what causes her to run out at night in order to find out what happened to her mother.

Obstacle: In the film the obstacle is that the little girl is constantly being stopped by "real" world objects or ideas. Her sister keeps telling her that she cant actually see her mom and the obstacle she has to climb over is being ale to find a place where she can try without anyone telling her that she cant

Mood. In this hsot you can see the that the mood is ver emotional and sad by the fact that the woman in focus is crying. The mood of the whole story is sad as it deals with the acceptance of death of a loved one as the main character being so young that they dont fully understand what death is. The mood in this shot is a very melancholy mode as it deals with the older sisters acceptance of their moms death.

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