Thursday, September 27, 2012

The character i choose was the Joker from the film the Dark Knight rises. The joker always dress in a purple pinstripe suite, with a green vest and blue shirt. His high class wardrobe provides a contrast to his facial makeup which is composed of white facepaint black eye shadow, green hair and an eerie ear to ear smile. The jokers wardrope and body language match his person: crazy. His wardrobe contradicts his face which gives the impression of chaos. His body language is he uses wild hand gestures and flips his tongue when he speaks. His persona is just chaos, he hardly ever does anything for personal gain he just does it because it will cause chaos. In this scene the Jokers purpose is just to demonstrate who he is. He tells people his idea of chaos and how gotham needs a new high class villain. He proceeds to demonstrate his philosophy on chaos by burning a giant stack of money they had just stolen. His only real character flaw is what his character is. His insanity is what puts him into danger and is what makes Batman try to stop him. The way the joker gets past his insanity is he really dosnt, but however his insanity almost saves him. since the joker wanted no monetary value from anything he did he just wanted to do it for the chaos it made it hard to stop him as there was nothing to hold against him.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The surreal photos of Martin Marcisovsky. This photo is one of the many surreal photos of the dubblin photographer. his photos show a world that seems non existent. They involve a single protagonist usualy with there backs turned towards the camera. The photos have there own scene of mystery to them as iit gives no back story of who is there or why the person is there, however the photos allow the viewer to develop there own ideas on what the photo is.  Its vagueness allows them to create there own idea for why this lonely protagonist is walking in some strange desert. It gives the viewer the idea that they are lost and exploring some new spot in their own mind,

Friday, September 14, 2012

when you find me

Character: In when you find me, at the beggining they set up the character as a girl with plenty of imagination. You can already see from how she is dressed that she is a character with a wild personality. Personality that dosnt take the world as it actually is but instead makes up her own one.

the setting.  This setting is supposed to be one in the afterlife. The setting does a good job of portraying how the afterlife should be. The colors in the shot, white, make it seem very peacful and sercene. Also the lone tree with endless hill ranges give it the idea of tranquility. That its a quite and peacful palce

Back story. This shot  is the first shot the movie shows of the mother and with this one scene you can already tell a lot about her. You can see that she has been hospitalized for quite some time now most likely with cancer as she has a cap on which indicates she is bald. The shot also shows that she has recently died as her arms and face are limp while she is being hugged.

Goal: form this shot you can tell that the goal is to see the mother again. The mother is shown using a different medium to show that she isn't part of this plane of life anymore. The goal of the youngst daughter is to see her mother again when she was alive and not affected by her disease

Time, In this shot by the light of the sky and the fact that the girl has a lantern you can determine that the time is night. most of the plot happens at night in this story so night is very important to drive the plot forward. Night always gives the conotaion of supernatural and thats what happend the little girl has a supernatural expirence with her dead mother

Relationship: In this shot you can see the relationship between the mother and daughte and  that it is a loving one. The mother is crouched down in order to hug her daughter and they both stay embraced there. Even though it is brief in the story the relationship is what drives the story forward. THe little girls longing to see the mom again is what causes her to run out at night in order to find out what happened to her mother.

Obstacle: In the film the obstacle is that the little girl is constantly being stopped by "real" world objects or ideas. Her sister keeps telling her that she cant actually see her mom and the obstacle she has to climb over is being ale to find a place where she can try without anyone telling her that she cant

Mood. In this hsot you can see the that the mood is ver emotional and sad by the fact that the woman in focus is crying. The mood of the whole story is sad as it deals with the acceptance of death of a loved one as the main character being so young that they dont fully understand what death is. The mood in this shot is a very melancholy mode as it deals with the older sisters acceptance of their moms death.

Monday, September 3, 2012

themes of story telling

theme 1 mood: mood convey the atmosphere, the tone or emotion of a shot. How the audience feels when looking at the shot.

The shot i choose to portray mood was this shot of the wolf. This shot was most likely shot using a long lens and a narrow angle. You can guess it was shot using a long lens and narrow angle because this shot is a close up on the wolfs face. The close up on the face makes the shot initamate and gives the audience the feeling of power and anger that the wolf conveys. The emotion in this shot is the audience feels the power of the wolf, the can feel the anger generating from the wolf. The emotion is given off because it is such a close shot and you can see the wolfs face clearly and also because the wolfs eyes have a contrasting color to the monochrome color of the rest of the shot.

the next theme is goal: Goal is what ever the character is trying to achieve.
The goal in this shot is to win the game. The shot is taken with a normal lens as its not close up on anything and was uses a shallow depth of focus as only the man with the ball is in focus. The shallow depth of focus helps to portray the goal in the shot because it focus on the man that has the ball. The shot shows the determination in the mans face. It shows that the goal is trying to win the game by focusing on only the man with the ball and that all the other people not in focus may be either team mates or members on the opposite team. But it shows that the mans goal is to not lose the ball.

Back story: Back story is a history that promotes a better understanding of the narrative

The shot that i choose to portray back story is the one of the murder. The shot was taken with a short lens and wide angle as you can see the whole room. however whoever took the photo blurred out the background so all you could see was the knife the crying girl and the dead body. The blurred out background makes it so the audience only pays attention to the important parts of he shot. from this shot you can get some understanding of the story in this shot. That the person with the knife stabbed the person lying on the ground, most likely a relative to the small girl. The way that this shot is framed draws attention to the little girl. The little girls face is right in one of the intersections for the rule of thirds. This placement draws the audiences attention to her face, so you can see the emotion that she holds.

Character: Character can be anyone or anything.

the shot i chose for character was shot with a long lens. It also uses a selective focus. This shot focus only on the old man and blurs out all background so that the audience will only look at the character in the shot. This shot offers no back story and promotes the audience to ask questions about the character, like where is he going, and what is his story. The shot is also in black and white which only allows the audience to be focused on the character and not distracted by blurred colors in the background. Another way that the sshot makes the audience focus solely on the character is that he is positioned perfectly in the rule of thirds line. He is on the line for the rule of thirds which draws our attention to him. Also the picture gives the hcaracter adequate lead and head room

Obstacle: Anyone or anything in the characters way
This shot was taken with a telephoto lens as it is extremely zoomed in on the dragon fly and lizard. It uses selective focus as all you can see is the lizard and bug. The character in this shot is the dragon fly. The shot shows that the dragon fly is the character as it is put on one of the rule of third lines. The obstacle then must be the lizard. From this shot you can tell that the dragon fly's obstacle is the lizard and that it may just loose its life as food. this shot focus only on the fly, as the lizards tail is out of focus, to show how the fly must face many life or death obstacles daily.

Relationship is the relationship between anyone or anything
this shot was taken with a normal lens and a wide angle. The shot
 focus in on the expression of the two dogs. The relationship could be with the dogs and the owner or the dogs and each other. either way you can tell the relationship is positive as the dogs are happy

Setting any location or environment
This shot was taken with a shot lense and wide angel. The light from the projection room is right on one of the rule of third intersections making it interestingly framed. The setting in this shot is obviously a movie theater. There is some over exposure in the shot which comes from all the glare from the many lights in the theater.

Unknown: Can be anything unexpected a twist
This shot is probably take with a long lens. The wave gives of nice graphic vectors, with the foam on the top of the wave and all the ripples in the wave itself. The unknown in this shot is the water, you have no idea where it is or what is in it.

Time represents the time of day or within history

the shot i chose for time is of the car. It was taken with a short lens and aide angle of vision. The car provides an index vector. and the shot was shot with a short focal length to make the car seem larger then it actually is. The time of this shot was made to look like it was probably sometime in the 1900's