Wednesday, August 22, 2012

film review

the short film that i watched was called surprise! the film is about a man who makes a vary elaborate way of getting his lover up in the morning. The way he goes around doing this is is by putting together an arsenal of weapons that in the begging makes the audience seem like he is trying to kill his lover aft first. The film is shot in a way that you cant tell exactly what the main character is up to, and it makes you wonder the whole time what he is actually doing.
I particularly like the way that this shot is framed, the way the axe is positioned makes you think that the axe is going to hit the girl. The director uses an excellent use of mis en scene. The main point of the film is conveyed entirely by mis en scene. Since there is no dialog in the film all the message of the film has to be conveyed byAlso there are all those ropes in the fore and back ground and they make you think what the hell is this guy doing? The entire movie you think he set up an elaborate way to kill his lover but he really just woke her up in an elaborate way. The casting of the main character i believe was very well choosen
The main character just acts and looks weird and strange. He looks like the kind of guy who would do some obscure thing like this to his lover. This scene is in the very begging and it makes you wonder why is he taking a picture of himself with such a weird smile on his face.

This scene was shot at the main characaters point of view. It is as he is aiming a crossbow at the chair of the breakfast table. As he aims it it pans over the table and you see a full breakfast made. This shot just adds more to question, which is what i really liked about the movie, it makes the audiance question why he would make a breakfast if he's going to kill his lover and at this point you just think the guy is crazy.

This shot shows the apartment after all of his "booby traps" go off. I like this scene because it shows the location of the film at its fullest. and shows how much destruction went on in just getting her up. there is also a nice motion vector during this scene as the girl is just sitting there trying to figure out what just happened a door slowly tips over and falls behind her.

This shot i like because it introduces a new angle. THe scene was when tthe lover looks at the picture the man took in the very beggining it uses a fish eye lens and bends the side and gives her a strange look. I think the effect of the lens effectivly captures her emotions and thoughts well


  1. Your review, wasn't really a review of the movie, more like explaining your screen shots. Your screen shots are supposed to be used as evidence, not the center of your talk. Try to talk about the film techniques that you liked i.e. lighting, composition, acting, plot etc.

  2. I liked how you analyzed why the director did different shots, but I feel like you could have been more elaborate on you review. Were there any parts that you didn't like? Also some of the review was a bit hard to follow, due to the sentence structure. Maybe instead of saying "This shot i like..." you could say " This shot does this....because of this....adds to...." something varying in sentence structure.

  3. I agree with Shaheadofthegame. I feel like you really just talked about what you liked about each shot you used, and didn't use much if any film language. You need to discuss composition, score, and have some sort of overall message to tie everything together. You need to adjust your sentence structure as well, as stated by infinite27. Your review really was not content based, and you didn't refer to your picture as evidence.
