Sunday, December 18, 2011

5 most valuable minutes

I selected these five minutes because they were the climax of the film. It is where the whole film has been leading up to after Travis goes out to buy the guns and make all the contraptions to be able to use them he finally does use them. All the suspense about when he was finally going to snap and use the pays off in how he fights of the gang members to save Iris and almost dies in the process. Those five minutes are what the entire movie led up to and are the one of the few intense part of the movie and allow for the conclusion the movie to be what it is.

            Those Five minutes relate to Martin Scorsese body of work because His other bodies of work talk about concepts such as redemption and modern crime and violence and that extract shows just that. It shows Travis redemption because after just living in New York and talking about how he doesn’t like the city and how its all garbage and should be flushed away he actually does something to help “flush it away” and in the process saves a teenager. After struggling in deciding on what he should do, and in almost killing the senator he does something beneficial and redeems himself from just a taxi cab driver to a hero to some. This extract also shows modern crime and violence as the crime is keeping a child prostitute and the violence is in Travis in a heated gunfight with the gangsters.


This extract relates to the narrative plot structure because it is the climax of the movie. It shows how all the things that Travis experienced all tie up in the end. With the man telling him about how he was going to shoot his wife, to him buying guns and how he hates all the garbage that live in the city. It ties up all those points with Travis using the gun the man told him about to go and try to fix the problem of the garbage living in the town.

            This extract shows Martin Scorsese intent with how Travis Bickle is trying t break away from the social dystopia that he lives in. Scorsese use the themes of violence to show the social dystopia. It shows how society was controlled but Travis tries to break out of that society by going against it, which he does by killing of the gang members who run that part of society.

            The 5 minutes reveals how Taxi Driver is part of the rise of the Anti hero genre. The Anti-hero is a hero who isn’t perfect and doesn’t have heroic qualities but because of that the audience is more able to relate to the protagonist. The 70’s anti hero was one who was darker than before and went out and crushed all his opponents to get what he wants, this related to the American people because its reflected America in the Vietnam war. Travis goes out and kills those who he thought were his enemies just so he could get what he wanted to save Iris. Travis making the motion of trying to kill himself shows how the hero is society has become darker.

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