Monday, December 3, 2012

narrative: The narrative excels because it highlights the main parts of the films narrative without giving away the ending or all of the rising action or climax.
The plot is, theres a normal family, the zombie Apocalypse starts. they escape and learn to fight them, the government wants the main character to fight for them, he says he wont leave his family and will come back for them, then the rest of the movie he wants to get back to his family
 Normal family:
 apocalypse starts:
learn how to fight:
Government asks him to fight:
fighting to get back to family:

mis en scene: The mis encene was very compelling because it highlighted the amount of chaos and terror a zombie would apocalypse would be. It showed how many people would be running around crazy like, them military coming in to try to stop it. It also just shows the ultimate terror that a lot of zombies would bring to the world. It demonstrates how much chaos would be involved in this scenario. it overall shows the genre of film, a type of action survival movie.     

the cinematography of the film does a fine job at showing the nature of the film . This shit for example shows a lot of zombies all trying to climb their way up a ladder. The shot starts of at the top of the ladder with one zombie and slowly moves its way down revealing more and more zombies as they all funnel their way up the ladder. The shot makes the trailer successful because it is awe-inspiring it shows the overall action that the film will hold inside of it. 
The edit does a good job at highlighting the action of the film. The edit shows the overall theme of action by connecting multiple shots quickly that have some type of theme in common. Like running towards a helicopter jumping then showing people skydiving from the helicopter. or by showing multiple shots of people shooting at each other, or rather zombies i guess.                

The score does a good job at explaining the action and the thrill of the movie. It has lulls and intense points. The lulls are around when they are running or talking then the intense parts come in when you see someone jumping off a building or they see a horde of zombies. The intense parts of the sounds convey the action and intense parts of the film.