Thursday, September 29, 2011

camera demo review

1.     One thing that I found challenging was if something went wrong with the camera or mic, such as if the audio wasn’t set for head phones or the mic wasn’t working, it was hard to find out how to fix the problem like going into the camera menu or if the problem had to fixed externally by getting a new mic or cord.
2.     The production process was pretty good and well handled. The only part that was hard was memorizing the lines, or if we couldn’t memorize all of them was to read off the sheet without looking away from the camera too much. We planned our shots to for the background to have something to do with the shot or to have our hands convey part of the message. I believe we did I good job at conveying the message.
3.             As we prepare for the first project recommendations I would make would be to know the camera first, have some idea of shots, know the basic idea of the lines and make sure the camera is charged.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

character in time

Just keep walking I told myself there’s more out there for you. That was one mistake you will recover. Just keep walking forward don’t listen to what they tell you, don’t give in to the rage that’s building up. Just keep walking it will all be over soon and you will move on to better things. That’s what I kept telling myself but I couldn’t believe it. As rage built up inside me I knew if I let it out I would never be able to advance I’d be stuck here so I kept walking. I walked past my past and as I neared my future I could here it calling back to me, telling me to comeback to it. It was tempting but I had to resist if I didn’t I would never move on in life. The rage built up in my more i thought about what i'd done, i couldnt hild it in anymmore. I let it out, but i used it to give me strength to break the chains that were holding me back and i walked faster. So i was running running past everything and when i stopped i took one look back at what i left behind and thought to my self, take a good look now becuase the next time you are heare you will change everything, and i walked forward. Away from my past away from my temptations and away from just giving up i walked towards my future and I didn’t look back again.