Sunday, August 28, 2011

Short film review Blinky

      Video here:
The video used to be here but somthing happened and it got taken down

The movie Blinky is about how a good robot turns bad. In the first shots of Blinky the Director, Ruairi Robinson, use a narrow lens for an extreme close up to catch the viewers attentions and then to zoom out to reveal what is happening in the shot. This is used when Blinky is first introduced to the film. In the shot viewers are first attracted to Blinky’s eye as it is the only thing we can distinguish in the extreme close up, once the shot starts to zoom out the director uses a soft focus, and puts thee camera at eye level you can only distinguish the face of Blinky and finally they cut to a scene where the whole room is shown and you can see it is Christmas and Blinky is the main present. Ruairi Robinson uses this shot as a way to first introduce Blinky the extreme close up gives the audience time to wonder what Blinky is, which is used to show that since Blinky is so new the family doesn’t know what Blinky really is or how it will act.  The dominate color in this scene is white: Blinky, the wall and the tree, the white is used to symbolize the innocence that the boy and Blinky have before everything starts to go wrong. The texture in the shot is detailed as you can see the gears on Blinky the bricks on the wall and the T.V show on the background. The design in the room is used to show the futuristic date and how today is a happy day for the family. The final shot is an open and loose shot in which everything is in balance nothing is overpowering and the characters can move around freely, and the boy, Alex, and Blinky are at equal heights to show that neither is more dominate than the other.  
In this shot the viewer is attracted to the yelling boy, Alex, as Blinky is cut off is the corner. The shot has a low-key lighting, which the director uses to show how the film is becoming darker and less of a happy movie. The shot has a normal lens but puts Alex at a higher level to make Blinky seem smaller and weaker. There is no dominant color in the scene but, Robinson uses but the darkness of the scene symbolizes how Blinky’s personality has gone from a nice caring robot, to the ruthless one he is about to become. The shot uses a normal lens to show Alex and Blinky, in no particular detail. The shot does not give much visual information s it uses a sot focus to only show Alex's anger at Blinky. The shot in this scene isolates parts of Blinky to make him seem inferior to Alex. It has a tight frame that gives Alex and Blinky little room to move, and has little background so that viewers focus mainly on Alex.

In this shot we are first attracted to the blood splattered Blinky, the shot uses a low key lighting to show the darker mood of the shot. The camera is close to the action and set at an angle looking up at Blinky to show that he is the powerful one and in charge now. The dominant colors are red and white in this scene. Lots of visual information is packed into this scene this scene depicts the dark acts that Blinky has just committed. The scene is tight allowing little room for Blinky to move about, Robinson use the tightness of the shot so that you can only focus on the blood splattered Blinky and realize what he did.